Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Narrative images 2


  1. these are great. i especially like the photo of the cowboy, it looks really realistic. my only change would have been to focus on the soldier in front of the knight, that might have been an interesting change.

  2. I like the first photo of the cowboy looking into the plains and giving off the wild west vibe. The third picture is also interesting with the knight riding out forward from the scenery. However, the yellow figure is blurry and hard for me to understand the relationship between the yellow figure and the knight. Try to keep both of the figures in focus which will enhance the story crafted.

  3. These are very realistic and I almost felt like I was there with those characters! It was a short batch but I'd defiantly say quality over quantity. Only constructive criticism I have is that you can kind of see the glare in the second but other than that perfect!

  4. Very convincing photos! I really like the one with the cowboy. All of your photos are very realistic.
