Friday, March 7, 2014

Double Exposure Series II

For this series, I started out with my traditional double exposures but then started to focus more on a macabre style by doing double exposure photos of people and skeletons, in an effort to show the "art" that can be found in anatomy.


  1. I really like all these photos! My favorite is the fifth one because the editing looks good there.

  2. I agree with Lindsey, I like all of these pictures. My favorite picture is the fifth one. The editing is well done and it looks pretty awesome. Great job!

  3. I really like your photos. I think the strongest are the second and last ones because the background isn't distracting and you did a good keeping a balance between the actual photo and skeleton. great job

  4. I love the use of the skeleton. I talked about it last week and it looks even better now. you have found your own style in this double exposure and i love it. keep it up.

  5. I really love these photos. I love them because they're just so strange. Great work!

  6. I really like this batch and it is a style like none I have seen before. Im not sure how you make the skeleton effects on these photos but its really unique and interesting

  7. you really have a knack for using photoshop, i definitely have a lot to learn. you do a wonderful job using the skeleton as a layering tool and just when i think theres nothing else you could possibly do with the skeleton, you find one more idea. great work and i look forward to seeing what else you can do with this program.

  8. I really like all of these photos, you are really good at incorporating the effects from Photoshop into your photos. You manage to overlap the actual picture and effect seamlessly.

  9. Wow i like how combine 2 photos to make 1 and its really cool and has a fantasy vibe to it. good job. the first and second one really stand out to me.

  10. Simon,
    This collection is so interesting and cool. I really like what you do man, however I feel like you could put more effort in taking the actual photo. I think the last few photos aren't as strong as they could be because the photos themselves lack the quality and effort that you've put into editing them. I also think the contrast and vibrance of the photos is a little too much. But seriously this concept is awesome.
