Monday, January 13, 2014

Motion shots

A series of photos demonstrating the style of captured motion.


  1. Your pictures are all really good! My favorite one is the fourth one! You should try to photograph more colors and people. Good job!

  2. I really like your photos. They are very abstract and creative and have a similar feel to all of them. It's hard to pick a favorite but i really like the 5th. The three lines really work together. I don't have a least favorite i like them all. great job

  3. These are great! my favorite one was of the water fountain because the way the photo was taken it looks like it has a downward spiral. Great Work!

  4. Your photos are all great. I really like the fifth and last ones because of their flow and how unique they are. Maybe next time try photographing more people and colors. Great work!

  5. These are really cool. I think yofocus ptured motion as well as repetition and depth in some pictures. My favorite is the water fountain drain. Its like a perfect spiral with a focus point in the middle. Good work.

  6. I really like your last one because it looks like the building is sort of popping out at you. The rest are great as well.

  7. Simon,
    I really like your collection. You did a great job at capturing a variety of strong motion photos with different styles. Good job!
