Wednesday, April 23, 2014

group project part 2

The rest of the group photos.

Sam did a double exposure-type series. I overlaid 2 different photos of him to make a composite image.

Kaeli did street a form of street photography, this one was taken outside in a more natural setting.

Ramona also did street photography, although in a little more candid style.

Giv also did street photography, and I chose to shoot him in a setting outside of school for added authenticity.

Laurence had an avadon-like portrait style, so I photographed him against a solid background.

Lindsey had many still life series. I tried to replicate that, but opted for a bright background as opposed to a dark one.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Group Project Part 1

A series of 6 photos as part of the "group project".

Charlie's photos often revolve around a sci-fi or surreal theme. I thought it would be fun to incorporate this and make it look like he has some superpower ability. Definitely one of my favorite photos of this series.

I noticed that many of Joel's pictures had very interesting textures and backgrounds. I took this photo of him and did a little bit of photoshop overlay to emphasize the interesting texture of the wood behind him.

Jessie's most recent photo set as well as her artist focus showed a great example of nostalgic, almost dream-like photos. I took this one and edited the colors (boosted sepia, decreased exposure value) to give it an aged, nostalgic look.

Iriana's photos reflected what I saw as the traditional "portrait" image a la Avedon. Shot in black and white.

Although my photograph is not the best example, the overall theme I took away from Max's photos was a sense of leading lines. I tried to capture him in the distance with leading lines (in this case the lockers) drawing the attention towards him. I think the lines in the window also add to the photo.

I really liked Nico's photos. They seem candid and "in the moment", capturing people in action as they go about their lives. Shot in black and white, I opted for a slightly slower shutter speed to give the photo some movement to represent an active shot instead of something more staged.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Double exposure series IV

Running out of ideas, I scrambled to put together a few double exposure pieces. There was no clear theme with this set, just taking pictures and overlaying them to see what worked best.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Double Exposure Series II

For this series, I started out with my traditional double exposures but then started to focus more on a macabre style by doing double exposure photos of people and skeletons, in an effort to show the "art" that can be found in anatomy.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Double exposure series 1

A series of 10 double exposure photographs, showing the progression and complexity of my shots. The goal of this series is to create elaborate images that blend portraits and nature or other scenery.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Filter series

A short series of 6 photos featuring a double exposure filter effect. All photos have been edited in photoshop. They were created by using various overlaying filters and erasing specific parts of photos, as well as adjusting the transparency and brightness of individual layers in order to get the desired effect.

Screen Filter

Overlay Filter

Darken Filter

Darken Filter
Lighten Filter
Lighten Filter

Friday, January 31, 2014

Design Project

A set of 6 images that have been edited in photoshop in the design of book covers, posters, and other forms of media.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Reflection pictures (Alternate assignment)

A set of 6 photos that incorporate some aspect of "reflection", whether it is in glass, metal, or some other material.