Friday, January 31, 2014

Design Project

A set of 6 images that have been edited in photoshop in the design of book covers, posters, and other forms of media.


  1. I really liked all of your photos. I thought they were all very creative and I especially liked the first and the fifth photos.

  2. I really like all of your designs; they're all really imaginative and creative. My favorite one is the first one, because it is simple, but it intrigues people, which is exactly what a movie poster should do. Good job!

  3. You did a great job. All of your photos have a very dynamic design and great idea behind them. My favorites are the one of Ale and the Chess Master one. I like the simple colors and original ideas. Great job

  4. I love these man, especially the ale one and the clock one. The ale one looks so real! makes him really seem like a comedian/improv guy worth seeing. I like how you wrapped the text around the clock picture, very unique.

  5. I really like your photos. They are all very creative and unique. I especially like the first and second ones because they look very professional and the designs are nice.

  6. Simon, I love all your photos, especially the first picture, because the image and text are aligned in a perfect diamond shape. I heard that you typed all of the text on the bottom for the Chess Master movie poster so props to you. The song titles in your album picture made me literally laugh out loud. All of your pictures really "sell" the products. The only thing I would suggest is if you chose a less blurry image in the fourth picture.

  7. Simon, great job with this assignment. I can definitely tell that you put time and energy into these designs and it paid off! their great! Keep up the awesome work!

  8. Wow! I really like these photos Simon! It seems like you had a really fun time making them and they all looked so real. I can seriously see them as actual adds, covers ect… My favorites were the one with Ale (It was hilarious) and the last one with the little cowboy figure. Very creative, I think you were the only one to use the little figures for this assignment.
